The Makers Market brings together independent artisans, makers, performers and businesses to create brilliant, local community monthly ma...
We are one of the very few internet community online radio stations in the world that prides itself on rock music. Our shows are for the people by the people and for the new bands who cant get any air play on any other radio station .We also want people who are real lovers of rock music of any genre to enjoy what we play and see how all our volunteers presenters share their passion and knowledge with the listener .
Hi. Just wanted to let you know I have been really enjoying your show this morning - well it's 12:56 pm here now but for the last hour or so. Steve Sept 24
Hi Real Rock Radio.UK! I have been listening in over the past 30 mintues or so. I liked the raw Independent songs being played in the show before, which, if I have my time zones correct, was Nick's Rock Roulette Show. Listening to Emma Scott's show at the moment .Aug 2023
Thank you again!
It's very refreshing to hear music beyond the usual hyper commercial overplayed stuff. Adam Feb 25
After listening to your radio over the last month(discovered by accident-thankfully!), may I wish you all the best in what your doing, as its needed so badly, a station where you can actually listen to the music we all love!
Kindest regards, and keep rocking! Jan 25
Fantastic station. Always supporting unsigned bands and the local community. John -June 24
Futhermucker are honoured to have been featured over the last couple if months.
We would like to thank you again for your support in featuring our latest album release Nightbird Motel in September 2020. With your help, we received great success and acknowledgement from around the world and Nightbird Motel got over 60,000 streams! I Thank you for your time, it is much appreciated!
Connor -Dec 23
Enjoying The Blues (both Alec & Yan's), "Tampa" Earl's Crackin' the Seal & Rockin' in the USA as well. I like the stories those guys tell between records.
70's Rock Show & Women in Rock are great Jan 25
Great station, wish it was on FM, then I could listen everyday..
Jon Feb 24
Great station tony thanks for putting loads of different presenters together. Karon- Dec 24
Hi! I love your radio and I would be so happy and proud to be played on it. I'm listening from France and I really enjoy it.
What a great show this afternoon, Terry was on top form, what a great radio station you have, a superb choice of music, something for everyone from metal to prog, great presenters, and not many adverts, keep up the good work-Mary
Hi , the 70s rock show Loved hearing the boomtown rat and blondie again . Today I listening in my garden with sleeping dogs . Last week I was on walk .no idea where I will be next . Brilliant show thanks for shout out or mention and dedication. .love the show and the tracks by the different members of the who
. K
Hi team just to say I really enjoyed the new 90s rock show with Nick yesterday afternoon - great selection of tracks and insightful comments. Will be listening every week thanks- Kay
Listened to my interview on the 70's show last night – it was great ! It's funny how many people I've spoken to, especially my fellow band members, that commented on what a great choice of songs are played on the 70's show and they'll continue to listen to it! Nice one!!!"
Howard Page
Hi! I've just come across your website and I absolutely love it! What you're bringing to Manchester is fantastic and there's no stations in Manchester playing real Rock and Metal anymore " C
I love Eddie's Prog shows!
The music is brilliant!! Great songs!" H .
A great and enjoyable hour spent chilling out with a beer.
Good selection of music for all tastes -AC
Great station guy's if you need anything at all please ring or text me.
HeyRRR . You got a new listener ...ME Im in the USA Cincinnati, Ohio, I "ve listened to WFM in Wythenshenshawe for abouth 10 year, not sure how I even came across it .Anyway, I"ve now stumbled on your station and been liking what I hear. Mick
Really love the 70s show really makes my afternoon. K
Currently we are on air 12 hours hours a day with a great mix of juke box and presenters shows from 12 noon till 12 midnight (GMT)
You can now SHOUT (use greater manchester rock radio) at that thing called ALEXA to tune in or go line
Join Us
We are currently looking people to become part of our volunteer staff. If you have a love and passion for rock music and like being part of a team then we would like to hear from you.
At present we need 1-2 presenters, 1-2 researchers and someone with a good working knowledge of IT, preferably editing software.
Our shows are done from your home and we would like you to have good internet connection, laptop or pc and a microphone. but we maybe able to help with that and lots of mp3,but again we could help with that.
You will get support and training from us and get to go to gigs ,Free!
Free Radio Production Course
New course starts Sept 9 th sept 10am -3pm Tameside Library. Places are limited so you need to book on
The training will be a basic introduction to radio presenting skills , music/voice editing using Wavepad software and we will look at how to put together a music or talk based show.
Places are limited so its highly recommended you contact us to place your name on the list.If places are taken we will put you on our reserve list and also on our next course , should we run it again ,which we hope we can, subject to funding
Also there a new course in Stalybridge Library starts 12 June. more info to follow
Please contact us via email to book or for more information